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Welcome to ElderwiseIn-person, online, and hybrid classes Registration for Fall 2024OpeningVery Soon! > Nature

A February Visit to Central Florida   

In-Person Class:  The Elderwise classroom at the Vineyard Church.

Imagine yourself going for a February walk in your Ann Arbor neighborhood. The sky is gray, the trees and shrubs are brown, two inches of snow cover the ground, and you haven’t seen a wildflower, a butterfly, a dragonfly, or even a green leaf since September. Now let frequent Elderwise presenter Don Chalfant take you on a virtual tour of central Florida in February. The sky is blue, wildflowers are in bloom, butterflies and dragonflies are fluttering. Imagine taking a three- or four-day visit to central Florida. You can plan on seeing over 100 species of birds, dozens of wildflowers, butterflies and dragonflies in the air, more snakes and lizards than you probably wanted to encounter, and lots of strange and interesting flora and fauna – none of which you would find in Michigan. 

Don Chalfant has been entertaining and enlightening the Elderwise community for many years with his profound knowledge and stunning photographs of North America’s natural world. Don received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Michigan. In 1995 he retired from teaching in the Ann Arbor Public Schools. While retired, Don indulges his passion for the outdoors, for birding, and for photographing nature’s inhabitants.


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