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Welcome to ElderwiseIn-person, online, and hybrid classes Registration for Fall 2024OpeningVery Soon! > Politics

American Politics Panel: Divided Government   

Online Class: A ZOOM link will be sent one day before class begins.

By the time we meet again in May, we will be four months into a time of divided government, with a Democratic president and Senate and a Republican House. What will have happened during these months? Will the GOP House majority be cohesive or divided? How will it use its investigative powers against the Bidens, Pelosi, and anyone else? Will the legislative process stall or will the two parties find common ground on anything? Will Joe Biden govern by executive order and shape policy through his appointment powers? What of inflation, interest rates, and employment? Will Russia's assault on Ukraine persist or take a surprise turn? Meanwhile, the field for Republican and Democratic 2024 presidential nominees will start to take shape. Join the Three Amigos, who cannot promise accurate predictions but can promise to pontificate at length about politics and anything else.  


Jeffrey Bernstein studies and teaches political science and American politics at Eastern Michigan University (EMU). Jeffrey specializes in public opinion and political behavior. Michael Homel is Professor Emeritus of history at EMU. Mike’s special expertise is in the fields of 20th century American history and American urban history. Larry Kestenbaum is the Washtenaw County Clerk/Register of Deeds. He is the creator and owner of the Internet’s most comprehensive source for American political biography,


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