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Welcome to ElderwiseIn-person, online, and hybrid classes Registration for Fall 2024OpeningVery Soon! > Art & Architecture

The Emperor's Lodge, Beijing   

ONLINE: A Zoom invitation link will be sent one day before class begins.

The Forbidden City in Beijing, an imperial palace complex, was for centuries clothed in secrecy and a mystery to the west. In 2001, the Palace Museum and the New York-based World Monuments Fund partnered to conserve the Garden, choosing to restore Juanqinzhai, (the Studio of Exhaustion from Diligent Service) aka ‘Emperor’s Lodge’ first. This was the first large-scale interior conservation project and the museum's first international collaboration. The primary focus of this class is a 60-minute documentary film about the ten-year interior restoration which employed master craftsmen from remote areas of China, using techniques kept alive for hundreds of years. Linda will provide some history of the Forbidden City and the context for this international project. This story is a treat for lovers of art, textiles, historic preservation, fine traditional craft, interior design, and cultural history. Linda Gintowt holds an M.A. in drama from the University of Toronto. She has a passion for history and the preservation of art and culture. Linda served as the Elderwise Program Coordinator for five years.



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