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Welcome to ElderwiseIn-person, online, and hybrid classes Registration for Fall 2024OpeningVery Soon! > History

Early American Tools   

IN-PERSON: The Elderwise classroom at the Vineyard Church

Andy will share his extensive knowledge of tools as he walks us through a collection of sketches of Early American tools and methods compiled by historian Eric Sloane in his book A Museum of Early American Tools. We will learn about farm and kitchen implements, the tools of curriers, wheelwrights, coopers, blacksmiths, coachmakers, loggers, tanners, and many other craftsmen of the pre-industrial age. Americana enthusiasts will enjoy such items as a hollowing gouge, hay fork, cornering chisel, apple butter paddle, boring auger, mortising chisel, holding dog, hauling sledge, winnowing tray, reaping hooks, splitting wedge, felling axe, propping saw horse, and other traditional implements. Andy Buesser is a master carpenter who spent much of his life working in traditional methods on diverse projects such as primitive shelters, log cabins, timber frame barns, and historic houses. He is an encyclopedia of little-known facts and wonders of the trades.



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