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Welcome to ElderwiseIn-person, online, and hybrid classes Registration for Fall 2024OpeningVery Soon! > Culture

The City of Bath, England   

ONLINE: A Zoom invitation link will be sent one day before class begins.

Bath has been a popular spa destination since Roman times, booming in the 18th century due to the belief that the spa waters held extraordinary curative properties. It became a fashionable destination for Georgian visitors, and many of the city’s honey-coloured buildings reflect this. Join Pat in a stroll along the Royal Crescent, admire the outstanding architecture of the Circus, and take a sip of the waters at the Grand Pump Room! In 1987, Bath was listed by The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a site with outstanding cultural significance. It was cited as one of the Great Spa Towns of Europe in 2021. Pat Butler was the Elderwise Administrator until retiring back to Warwick, England. She is now a Tour Guide for the National Trust’s Back-to-Back History Museum in Birmingham, U.K. Pat also presents classes on social history to the U.K.’s University of the Third Age.



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