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Welcome to ElderwiseIn-person, online, and hybrid classes Registration for Fall 2024OpeningVery Soon! > Politics

Taking Apart the News (TATN)   

ONLINE: A Zoom invitation link will be sent one day before each class session begins.

It is all but certain that around the world, 2024 will be fraught with controversy and high stakes political, economic, and diplomatic maneuvering. It will be a time when people and media will be watching the United States particularly closely. Media’s role, as usual, will be significant. Americans face the likelihood of another election with clearly unpopular and untrusted national candidates on the General Election ballot. Nations around the world, both autocracies and democracies, also are struggling with dissatisfied populations and uncertain economic and social controversies. Veteran journalist and communicator Al Chambers continues to focus on the power and speed of news, media and technology in this rapidly changing world.





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