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Welcome to ElderwiseIn-person, online, and hybrid classes Registration for Fall 2024OpeningVery Soon! > Politics

American Politics Panel (Winter Term)   

ONLINE: A Zoom invitation link will be sent one day before class begins.

American Politics Panel: Springtime Political Season – Chilly or Heated?
As your veteran pundit panel convenes, early presidential primaries and caucuses will have occurred. On the Republican side, has Donald Trump swamped his competition or have effective rivals emerged? Have Trump’s multiple indictments slowed or improved his momentum? On the Democratic side, is Joe Biden coasting to re-nomination or have surprise events impaired his re-election drive? In Congress, has the closely divided Senate retained its role? And in the House, is the narrow Republican majority still at war with itself? Is the Ukraine war still deadlocked? And has U.S. and western European support for the Kiev government remained or eroded? Whither the U.S. economy and American’s public mood? Join our panel for its assessments of these and other domestic and foreign issues. Jeffrey Bernstein studies and teaches political science and American politics at Eastern Michigan University (EMU). Michael Homel is Professor Emeritus of history at EMU in the fields of 20th century American history and American urban history. Larry Kestenbaum is the Washtenaw County Clerk/Register of Deeds.



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