ONLINE: A Zoom invitation link will be sent the Friday before each class session begins.
Throughout history, puppets, marionettes, and ventriloquists’ mannikins have played a role in the arts, as evidenced by their presence in various classical and popular entertainment media. Participants in this class will be reading two 20th century novels in which puppetry plays a role in character and plot development. The first class session will be devoted to Angela Carter’s gothic novel The Magic Toy Shop (1967), while the second week’s discussion will focus on poet Rita Dove’s novel Through The Ivory Gate (1992). Cecilia Donohue retired in 2013 following a 25-year career of undergraduate instruction, graduate teaching, and academic administration. She now resides in east Tennessee with her husband Bill and their menagerie of horses, cat, and dog. Currently an associate editor of The Steinbeck Review, Cecilia has written extensively on America’s southern authors and poets, notably Robert Penn Warren and Anne Tyler.