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Python Developer   

Python Development is a rapidly growing field where the demand for experienced Python Programmers far outstrips the supply. currently lists over 87,000 Python Programmer job openings in the U.S. alone. Interestingly, also lists over 24,000 remote Python Programmer jobs that allow you to work in place, independent of where you live. This cornerstone training program is designed for you if you are determined to become a skilled Python Developer and a respected member of a modern software development team. It provides you with enough Python coding practice to make you job-ready and enough theoretical knowledge to pass the Python Institute's Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer (PCEP) exam. It also teaches you the soft skills employers look for in job applicants. Upon completing the training, you are ready to start a successful new career in Python software development. Throughout your learning, you are assisted by a powerful Artificial Intelligence-based teaching platform that watches your every step, grading your work in real-time, and helping you with contextual information, hints, and templates, as needed. The AI-based platform also teaches you best practices which include conventions for writing readable and consistent code. Finally, you also have access to our highly responsive instructional support team which is composed of Python coding professionals, college instructors, and former NCLab trainees who promptly assist you with the coursework, when needed.

What you will learn
• The knowledge, practical experience, competency, and confidence to qualify for high-demand Python programmer jobs

How long the training takes to complete
• This program consists of approximately 320 self-paced, hands-on hours
• Trainees complete it in as little as four months

How you will benefit
• Personalized advising sessions to review your progress, set goals, build soft skills, and prepare for job interviews
• You will develop a professional portfolio of real-world projects to demonstrate your qualifications to potential employers
• Upon completion you will receive a Python Developer Career Certificate and be prepared to take the Python Institute’s Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer certification exam
  • Python Developer
    Complete this program and get ready to enter the workforce as a fully qualified Python software developer. Python software developers are in very high demand and salaries are commensurate. Python is a powerful and modern high-level programming language used for data analysis, machine learning, business, finance, engineering, and more.

    This program is on the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) for Northern Nevada. Contact EmployNV or other agencies for possible funding opportunities.

    Program details can be found here: Python Developer.

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