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Medical Spanish Series   

Spanish for Medical Professionals I
Are you struggling to communicate with your Spanish-speaking patients? If so, here's the perfect solution. Whether you're new to the Spanish language or just want a refresher, this fun and simple course will give you the basic tools you need to bridge the communication gap. By the end of this course, you'll have a strong foundation in basic medical Spanish that you can build on for years to come.

Spanish for Medical Professionals II
Do you feel like you have a pretty good sense of intro Spanish, but are ready to take it to the next level? This course picks up where Spanish for Medical Professionals left off. And, if you didn't take the first course, no problem! This course is also for healthcare providers who already have a pretty good sense of Spanish, but just need more medical vocabulary to sharpen their skills.

Series bundles are not eligible for partial drops or refunds. Transfers to other open sessions of the same course are available. Please refer to your school for additional details regarding drops, transfers, and refunds on Series bundles.

  • Medical Spanish Series
  • Fee: $245.00
    Online course series begins: 10/16/2024

    Communicate more effectively with Spanish-speaking patients after taking this discounted series of courses that teach Spanish for medical professionals. This series of two classes includes both Spanish for Medical Professionals I and Spanish for Medical Professionals II.

    For details, including registration info: Medical Spanish Series.


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