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Continuing Education > Online Classes

Stress Management Certificate   

Events, people, and circumstances fill our normal daily lives—along with a certain amount of stress. Stress is at epidemic levels in the world today. Currently, as many as 90 percent of all visits to health-care providers in the United States are considered to be stress-related. Stress affects every aspect of the body, mind, and spirit, resulting in a wide range of symptoms from headaches or stomach ailments to heart disease or death.

The outcome of this certificate is to describe the physiological, social, and psychological aspects of stress; examine the relationship between stress and health, nutrition, and physical activity; identify causes and health effects of workplace stress; and explore modalities to reduce and manage stress.

  • Stress Management Certificate
  • Fee: $99.00
    Six Week Class begins: 10/16/2024
    Understand strategies and therapies used to reduce and manage stress. This course will help you explore the physiological, social and psychological impacts of stress and provide you with methods to get stress under control.

    For details, including registration info: Stress Management Certificate.

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