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Continuing Education > Online Classes

Violence Prevention and Awareness Certificate   

Every year across the globe, millions of individuals are affected by violence. In addition to the tremendous physical and emotional toll, violence has substantial medical, lost productivity, societal, and environmental costs. Young people and women are disproportionately affected by violence. This certificate program examines workplace violence, domestic (intimate partner) violence, elder abuse, child abuse, pediatric abusive head trauma, and sexual assault, gender violence, and rape.

The outcome of this certificate program is for the learner to describe several key types of violence, risk factors specific to those types of violence, assessment and treatment options, and prevention measures to reduce the incidence of violence.

  • Violence Prevention and Awareness Certificate
  • Fee: $89.00
    Six Week Class begins: 10/16/2024
    Designed for medical professionals, this online course offers important insights into the signs of violence that may be presented by patients in a healthcare setting.

    For details, including registration info: Violence Prevention and Awareness.

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