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Continuing Education > Online Classes

Wellness and the Environment Certificate   

Every day, in everything we do, we interact with our environment. Whether it is drinking water, breathing our air, eating food raised from the earth, or dealing with weather and seasons, our health is supported by the health of our planet. The connection between protecting the natural environment and safeguarding human health has been recognized for a long time. Exposure to harmful chemicals, air pollution, and biological agents on the human body can dramatically affect our health and the health of the entire planet. Increasingly, climate changes and the strains of a growing human population put all life on earth, including human life, in peril. Preserving the variety of life on earth is also essential to human health.

The outcome of this certificate is for the learner to describe the connection between wellness and the environment, with a specific focus on air and water safety; the global impacts of overpopulation; climate changes and human health; the common health hazards found in the home; and action steps to improve the environment and human health.

  • Wellness and the Environment Certificate
  • Fee: $69.00
    Six Week Class begins: 10/16/2024
    Gain knowledge that can help you take action to improve your health, well-being, and the environment around you. This course provides actionable steps to create and sustain a healthy environment so you can prevent or control related disease, injury, and disability.

    For details, including registration info: Wellness and the Environment Certificate.

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