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Continuing Education > Online Classes

Advanced Fiction Writing   

In this course, you'll explore all the topics a writer needs to create a successful manuscript, including story structure, plot, character, dialogue, setting, suspense, conflict, action, viewpoint, tense, and even how to get published. Each lesson includes an assignment that will help you develop or polish your manuscript. You will explore the essential techniques that are often overlooked in a clear, step-by-step fashion. After completing this course, you will never look at fiction writing the same way again!
  • Advanced Fiction Writing
  • Fee: $115.00
    Six Week Class begins: 10/16/2024
    When you have a talent and a passion for writing, it's important to share it. This course will provide you with the formula for creating and polishing a successful fiction manuscript and getting it published.

    For details, including registration info: Advanced Fiction Writing.

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