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Continuing Education > Online Classes

Get Assertive!   

Are you tired of being intimidated and treated badly by others? Learn specific techniques to become more assertive in all parts of your life. Discover how people manipulate you and how you submit to being a victim. Understand the difference between passive, aggressive, and assertive behaviors, and see how inner dialogues keep people acting in passive ways. Explore ways to change your inner dialogue, such as using affirmations and visualization, creating new labels for yourself and others, and keeping a journal.

  • Get Assertive!
  • Fee: $115.00
    Six Week Class begins: 10/16/2024
    Learn specific techniques to become more assertive in all types of situations, with all types of people, and in all aspects of your life. This course will empower you to be more assertive and includes specific techniques for dealing with people who intimidate or disrespect you.

    For details, including registration info: Get Assertive!

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