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Continuing Education > Online Classes

Distribution and Logistics Management   

Distribution and logistics management is a critical company function. Professionals in this field play a key role in fulfilling customer demands, ordering and managing inventory, controlling inbound and outbound shipments, reducing costs, saving time, and meeting company objectives. This course will not only show you how to create and operate a logistics function, but it will also show you how to achieve success through a combination of strategies and tactics.

All elements of distribution and logistics management will be covered, including physical distribution, warehouse selection, material handling, packaging, order fulfillment, customer service, inventory management, receiving, production stores, and returned goods. The course will also address key technology issues such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), bar coding, electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic commerce (e-commerce), and distribution resource planning (DRP).

  • Distribution and Logistics Management
  • Fee: $135.00
    Six Week Class begins: 10/16/2024
    Discover how to improve distribution and logistics management activities, reduce costs, save time, increase customer satisfaction, and better meet your company's objectives. This course will show you how to achieve success through a combination of distribution and logistics strategies and tactics.

    For details, including registration info: Distribution and Logistics Management .

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