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Continuing Education > Live Classes

Youth Karate   

Physical fitness is a large component of the class, and students will engage in exercises designed to improve strength, endurance, and flexibility. Discipline and respect for others are also recurring lessons. Youth Karate is a great class for beginners as well as a continuation for more advanced students. All levels are welcome. Youth Karate is for ages 10 and up.

  • Youth Karate
  • Fee: $90.00
    Dates: 2/4/2025 - 5/13/2025
    Times: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
    Days: Tu
    Sessions: 15
    Building: Fitness Center/Gym
    Room: Fitness Center/Gym
    Instructor: Jennifer Stieger
    Students will learn and understand the three main components of Kyokushin, which is a stand-up, full-contact karate: basics (kihon), forms (kata), and sparring (kumite). Physical fitness is a large component of the class, and students will engage in exercises designed to improve strength, endurance, and flexibility. All levels are welcome. Youth Karate is for ages 10 and up.
    Elko In-Person Class
    No class during Spring Break

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