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Continuing Education > Online Classes

Career Counselor   

What you will learn
• Understand fundamental goals and identify key stages of career development
• Identify common career challenges and learn to conduct career counseling interviews
• Understand your clients and identify their career goals
• Create and deliver comprehensive career development plans
• Create a quality career coaching service

How you will benefit
• Recognizing challenges and strategies to maintain quality in career counseling
• Add value to your coaching services by providing quality career development plans
• Advance your career by helping others in their career

  • Career Counselor
    The average worker switches jobs more than 10 times in their career. With career pathways becoming more varied, good career advice is in demand. Career counselors help others develop their career with smart goals and clear directions. If you love to help others, career coaching can be a great profession.

    Program details can be found here: Career Counselor.

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