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Continuing Education > Online Classes

Growing Plants for Fun and Profit   

Turn your love of plants into an enjoyable and profitable home business. Learn how to grow and market plants on a small scale without major capital investment. In an area as small as 1000 sq. ft., you can generate thousands of dollars' worth of plant material in a single growing season.

This course is your practical guide to licensing, site preparation, equipment, how and where to find supplies, how to select and produce plants appropriate to your climate zone, how to produce quality material and, most importantly, how to market your product.


  • Growing Plants for Fun and Profit
  • Fee: $125.00
    Six Week Class begins: 10/16/2024
    This course provides information on licensing, site preparation, equipment, how and where to find supplies, how to select and produce plants, how to produce quality material, and how to market your product.

    For details, including registration info: Growing Plants for Fun and Profit.

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