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Continuing Education > Online Classes

Instant Italian   

This dynamic course will teach you how to express yourself comfortably in Italian. You'll learn practical, everyday words. You'll read, hear, and practice dialogues based on typical situations that you're likely to encounter if you plan to vacation in Italy. The dialogues and follow-up exercises of each lesson will teach you to communicate in Italian in a wide variety of settings. You'll be surprised by how quickly and easily you can learn many useful expressions in Italian! This course will make it simple to master your pronunciation of Italian. Essential words and phrases are written phonetically by using sounds that are familiar to you from English words. The audio feature lets you hear the words and phrases spoken aloud with just a click of your mouse. Short exercises are included with each lesson to help you reinforce what you've learned and gauge your progress, making it easy to pinpoint areas that you still need to review. The exercises also give you immediate feedback—you'll know whether you answered correctly as soon as you finish.

  • Instant Italian
  • Fee: $115.00
    Six Week Class begins: 10/16/2024
    Learn to express yourself comfortably in Italian. You'll be surprised how quickly and easily you are able to learn Italian in this course, which provides knowledge of practical, everyday words and phrases you are likely to hear if you vacation in Italy.

    For details, including registration info: Instant Italian.

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