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Continuing Education > Online Classes

The Craft of Magazine Writing   

Have you ever thought about writing for magazines? Turn your dreams into bylines and help yourself to a bright future as a magazine writer. It is fun, easy, and a great source of extra income. If you are a determined new writer, or if you haven't written for magazines in years, this class will jump-start your career. You will learn plenty of powerful brainstorming techniques designed to get those creative juices flowing with articles that practically write themselves.
  • The Craft of Magazine Writing
  • Fee: $129.00
    Six Week Class begins: 10/16/2024
    Learn the skills and insights you will need to jump-start your career as a magazine writer. This course will teach you how to get your work published and turn your writing skills into an easy source of extra income.

    For details, including registration info: The Craft of Magazine Writing.

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