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Continuing Education > Online Classes

Intermediate Java Programming   

Deepen your understanding of the Java programming language, and start writing programs that are more sophisticated and professional. Learn how to save data permanently on a disk by writing it to a sequential data file. See how to read the file to get the data back and process it. Organize information using multiple classes in Java's class hierarchy and inheritance. Explore some of the hundreds of classes that are built into the Java language. Find out how to create GUI applications in Java using tools like windows, menus, buttons, text boxes, check boxes, scroll bars, and other GUI tools.
  • Intermediate Java Programming
  • Fee: $129.00
    Six Week Class begins: 10/16/2024
    Deepen your knowledge of Java, and begin writing more sophisticated and professional programs. This course provides hands-on experience building different applications that combine the concepts of sequential data files, data processing, class hierarchy and inheritance, and/or GUI application creation.

    For details, including registration info: Intermediate Java Programming.

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