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Continuing Education > Online Classes

A Career Exploration: Paralegal   

Careers in the legal field often require many years of training, but paralegals can enter the job market quickly. What's more, paralegals earn good salaries and have many opportunities for advancement. In fact, a skilled paralegal can do almost all the jobs a lawyer does.

In this course, you will discover what paralegals do and find out what you will need to know in order to begin your own paralegal career. You will start by getting an excellent grounding in legal terminology, contract law, and the tort system. Next, you will learn how to perform legal analysis, conduct interviews and investigations, write legal briefs, and prepare for appeals. And finally, you will get tips on internships and job-hunting.

By the time you're finished, you will know if becoming a paralegal is the right career choice for you.

  • A Career Exploration: Paralegal
  • Fee: $129.00
    Six Week Class begins: 10/16/2024
    Decide if becoming a paralegal is the right career path for you. This course helps you discover the many aspects of what paralegals do by learning the fundamentals of legal terminology, contract law, how to conduct interviews and investigations, write briefs and prepare for appeals.

    For details, including registration info: Paralegal Career Exploration.

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