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Continuing Education > Online Classes

Purchasing Fundamentals   

Discover and master the fundamentals of purchasing by understanding your strategic and tactical roles as a purchasing practitioner. Improve your company's bottom-line profitability by learning and implementing key concepts such as negotiation, supplier sourcing and qualification, outsourcing and make-or-buy analysis. Learn the basics of supplier partnerships, capital budgeting and green buying.

In this online course, you will learn how to define internal customer needs, generate purchase requisitions and purchase orders, expedite, trace and receive supplier deliveries, maintain effective purchasing records and create and manage various purchasing budgets. You'll learn about business law, contracts, leasing, Six Sigma and total quality management (TQM). You will also learn how to recruit, select and evaluate purchasing personnel, and learn the importance of business ethics.


  • Purchasing Fundamentals
  • Fee: $135.00
    Six Week Class begins: 10/16/2024
    Master the fundamentals of purchasing by understanding your role as a purchasing practitioner. This course will help you define internal customer needs, generate purchase requisitions and purchase orders, manage supplier deliveries, maintain records, manage budgets, and more.

    For details, including registration info: Purchasing Fundamentals.

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