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Continuing Education > Online Classes

Photographing Nature with Your Digital Camera   

Nature photography can be a fun, relaxing, and exciting hobby! In this course, you'll learn about the many aspects of outdoor photography as well as how to master your digital camera's controls and features. With the knowledge you gain in this course, you'll be taking exceptional nature photos in no time.

You'll explore composition and lighting issues and find out how to take beautiful photos of landscapes, flowers, trees, and water. Along the way, you'll delve into your camera's shutter speed and aperture controls so that you'll be able to capture the photos you really want. You will discover how to use your computer to process your photos and digitally correct the most common problems. You'll see how your photos can become works of art rather than just snapshots of nature. By the end of this course, you'll have become the nature photographer you always wanted to be!

  • Photographing Nature with Your Digital Camera
  • Fee: $115.00
    Six Week Class begins: 10/16/2024
    Discover how your nature photos can become works of art rather than just snapshots. This course will help you explore composition and lighting as you master your digital camera's controls and features to take exceptional nature photos in no time.

    For details, including registration info: Photographing Nature.

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