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Continuing Education > Online Classes

Romance Writing   

Romance is the #1 selling genre in mass-market fiction with readers clamoring for more! To pen a novel romance readers' love, you'll need to understand how to meet and exceed their expectations. Whether you're a new or experienced writer, this course will help you broaden your skills and understand exactly what makes a romance reader finish a book with that "Ahh" of satisfaction. You will start by learning about the genre of romance and exploring why you fell in love with your favorite romance novels. You will explore how to craft three-dimensional characters your readers will love and how to weave a plot so your story grabs the reader's interest from page one. You will gain valuable techniques—your "romance writer's toolbox"—to apply to your own manuscript.
  • Romance Writing
  • Fee: $115.00
    Six Week Class begins: 10/16/2024
    Master the tools and techniques needed to hone your craft as a successful romance novelist. This course will broaden your skills and allow you to pen a romance novel that meets and exceeds your readers' expectations.

    For details, including registration info: Romance Writing.

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