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Continuing Education > Professional Development > Small Business

Start and Operate Your Own Home-Based Business   

Starting a home-based business is the hottest trend in today's challenging business environment! Learn how to be your own boss and eliminate the stress of having a job. The benefits of working from home are endless!

Earn what you deserve, be independent, have tax deductions, do away with traffic, office politics and more! Learn how to develop the entrepreneurial qualities - motivation, discipline, creativity - that you will need to succeed! This class is a great way to start your own business or enhance the one you already have.

  • Start and Operate Your Own Home-Based Business
  • Fee: $129.00
    Six Week Class begins: 8/14/2024
    This course will teach you how to develop the motivation, discipline, and creativity to quit your job and be your own boss.

    For details, including registration info: Start Your Own Home-Based Business.

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