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Continuing Education > Online Classes

Microsoft Excel and Access 2019 Suite   

Microsoft Excel 2019 and Microsoft Access 2019 are two of the most used programs to track and manage data sets. This course will teach you how use Microsoft Excel 2019 and Microsoft Access 2019. This course series includes Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2019, Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2019, Introduction to Microsoft Access 2019, and Intermediate Microsoft Access 2019.

Series bundles are not eligible for partial drops or refunds. Transfers to other open sessions of the same course are available.


  • Microsoft Excel and Access 2019 Suite
  • Fee: $520.00
    Online course series begins: 10/16/2024
    Master the use of two of the most widely used data management programs in the world when you complete this suite. Learn to build a fully functional database, and some of the more advanced features that will have you using Microsoft Excel and Access like a pro.

    For details, including registration info: Microsoft Excel and Access 2019 Suite.

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