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Continuing Education > Writing > Writing Markets

Writing Markets   

Click on class name for full description.
  • Beginner's Guide to Getting Published
  • Fee: $129.00
    Six Week Class begins: 8/14/2024
    Get your writing directly into the hands of an editor and on the shelves of your favorite stores. This course, taught by a successful journalist and author, will help you understand every step of the publishing process and how to give yourself the credibility publishers notice.

    For details, including registration info: Beginner's Guide to Getting Published.

  • Explore Fiction Writing Genres Suite
  • Fee: $425.00
    Online course series begins: 8/14/2024
    Learn how to write different fiction genres in this comprehensive course bundle. This suite of four classes includes the Introduction to Screenwriting, Mystery Writing, Romance Writing, and Writing the Fantasy Novel courses.

    For details, including registration info: Explore Fiction Writing Genres Suite.

  • Explore Non-Fiction Writing Suite
  • Fee: $425.00
    Six Week Class begins: 8/14/2024
    Some of the most fascinating stories in the world are true stories! This suite of four classes includes the Write and Publish Your Nonfiction Book, Write Your Life Story, Travel Writing, and The Craft of Magazine Writing courses.

    For details, including registration info: Explore Non-Fiction Writing Suite.

  • How to Make Money From Your Writing
  • Fee: $129.00
    Six Week Class begins: 8/14/2024
    Learn the secrets, methods, and tips to help you generate money with your writing. Whether you want to create your own business, add to your income, supplement your retirement, or boost what you're earning as a writer, this class includes the practical information.

    For details, including registration info: How to Make Money From Your Writing.

  • The Craft of Magazine Writing
  • Fee: $129.00
    Six Week Class begins: 8/14/2024
    Learn the skills and insights you will need to jump-start your career as a magazine writer. This course will teach you how to get your work published and turn your writing skills into an easy source of extra income.

    For details, including registration info: The Craft of Magazine Writing.

  • The Keys to Effective Editing
  • Fee: $129.00
    Six Week Class begins: 8/14/2024
    Learn the essential skills and resources you will need to become a successful and confident copyeditor. This course provides the fundamentals of top-notch editing for both fiction and nonfiction.

    For details, including registration info: The Keys to Effective Editing.

  • Travel Writing
  • Fee: $115.00
    Six Week Class begins: 8/14/2024
    Learn how to profit from your experiences in exotic lands by learning how to write and sell travel articles and books. This course will teach you how to develop the skills of a travel writer so you can translate sensory experiences into publishable writing.

    For details, including registration info: Travel Writing.

Some Title