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> Discovery Academy: STEAM Summer Kids Camps

Discovery Academy: STEAM Summer Kids Camps   

Online Learning

Green River & Highline Colleges Discovery Academy

This is an innovative program in partnership with Green River College, The Hub Federal Way Higher Education Center, & Highline’s MaST Center Aquarium. Your child will get fun and enriching learning experiences in our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) camps designed just for them.



  • Full-day camps
  • Project-based learning
  • Transportation drop-off options & extended care
  • Partnering with other public colleges for unique learning experiences
  • Art, Marine Sciences, Robotics, Coding, Kids in College, etc.
  • More details to come!!!!


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The Discovery Academy camps will be located at Green River College, Highline College, and at Highline's MaST Center Aquarium at Redondo Beach. If you are interested in a free parent information session, register for the next available information session below. Camp registration is now open.


Discovery Academy Camp Additional Information:


Click Here to be redirected to the Discovery Academy website that has complete details about the program.


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