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Course Catalog

Undercover Drug Enforcement Techniques   

This course will provide essential training for undercover officers and cover team members who work in the dangerous and unpredictable field of undercover drug enforcement. From establishing your identity to conducting the buy to documenting your activities through affidavits and resulting search warrants, you will learn the many legal, operational and officer safety issues involved.

In addition to discussing the special needs and qualifications of undercover investigators, you will learn to develop a cover story and appearance, how to simulate drug use, how to use jargon and street slang, and ways to divert and dissuade suspicion. The use and management of confidential informants as well as the roles and responsibilities of cover team members will also be examined.

Role playing and actual field exercises are an important part of this course and will help you develop your appearance and approach to the different levels of drug traffickers. Some of these exercises may take place during evening hours.

Topics Include

  • Overview of controlled substances
  • Theory and philosophy of undercover methods
  • Operational planning
  • Identification and field-testing of drugs
  • Undercover investigation techniques
  • Surveillance techniques
  • Stress and stress management
  • Use and control of "flash-rolls"
  • Use of confidential information and informants
  • Legal aspects of undercover investigations
  • Evidence presentation


Narcotic investigators, narcotics unit supervisors, specialized units dealing with narcotic investigations and drug unit commanders

This class is restricted to sworn law enforcement officers and those personnel assigned directly to law enforcement agencies.

Course Length

40 hours


This class includes evening exercises that will require students to work more than 40 hours for the training week. Please advise your agency of the additional training hours.

What Our Students Are Saying

  • “The practical exercise portions were very helpful in feeling comfortable doing undercover work.” – M.D.
  • “The class was very well set up and I learned a lot of important new skills as I’m new to the narcotic unit.” – S.P.
  • “Practical exercises made as realistic as possible in training setting. Knowledge base of instructors and guest speakers made training down to earth and realistic.” K.S.
  • “Very interesting class. Will highly recommend to other LEO’s.” – J.M.
  • “Great course. Will recommend to others in my unit.” – M.D.
  • “Practical exercises were excellent and provided a real life feel. All instructors were very knowledgeable and provided guidance throughout. Through my career, I’ve attended over 1900 hours of various training. This course is by far the best class that I’ve experienced.” – D.R.

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