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Garden Gourmands   

California's temperate climate allows an amazing array of plants to be grown locally. Edible gardens, pollinator gardens, native gardens, contemplative gardens, and demonstration gardens are some of the many varieties to tour. Inspired by the successful model of the "Arts & Eats" OLLI class, "Garden Gourmands" will focus on touring the art of garden landscapes combined with eating locally. Join Master Gardeners as we explore different area gardens followed by a no-host lunch at various local eateries to enjoy the bounty of Butte County.
  • Garden Gourmands
  • Instructor: Debra Barger
    Dates: 9/18/2024 - 10/9/2024
    Days: W
    Times: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    Sessions: 4
    Location: Outdoor Experiences
    Room: Various Locations
    Fee for À La Carte Members: $30.00
    Fee for Unlimited Members: Included
     Show Description

    Registered participants will receive the specific garden location/address via email by the Saturday before each tour. Plan for possible travel time of at least 35 minutes before and after the scheduled class meeting time. There will be a no-host lunch held after each class from 12 to 1pm.

    This class counts toward the 3-class limit.
    This class requires additional forms. Review the outdoor class forms information before attending class.

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