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Welcome to OLLI at Chico State! > Classes > View Classes By > Thursday

A Tranquility Walk   

Join us for a leisurely walk of up to four miles on a mostly level path. Let's connect with nature in a way that stimulates our senses and unclutters our minds while enlivening our bodies with easy walking. Let your to-do list take a backseat for a while and allow the nurturing energy of Mother Nature to slow you down as you appreciate the tranquility of your surroundings.
  • A Tranquility Walk
  • Instructor: Diana Hoffmeister, Akhila Murphy, Candice Roethler
    Dates: 10/10/2024 - 10/10/2024
    Days: Th
    Times: 8:15 AM - 1:00 PM
    Sessions: 1
    Location: Outdoor Experiences
    Room: Various Locations
    Fee for À La Carte Members: $15.00
    Fee for Unlimited Members: Included
     Show Description

    Further details will be provided prior to the hike. Sturdy walking shoes required.

    This class counts toward the 3-class limit.
    This class requires additional forms. Review the outdoor class forms information before attending class.

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