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VINOD CHACHRA IMPACT LAB READY TO APPLY AT NO COST? > K-12 Professional Development > Math


  • Graduate Application
  • As the following micro-credential(s) provide graduate credit upon successful completion, an application is needed with an official transcript from the registrar of the college or university where you earned your bachelor's degree. Graduates of Radford University do not need to supply their official transcript as we have them on file.
  • Once your transcript has been received and confirmed, you will receive a welcome email with instructions on how to purchase the micro-credential(s) of interest.
  • To proceed, please click ADD TO CART below.

  • Elementary Math: Effective Instruction for Inclusive Classrooms
  • Fee: $74.20
    Credit Hours: 0.20
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 10

    This micro-credential is designed to empower you to help all of your students access your instruction, including math! After a review of inclusion in U.S. public education, you will learn how you can use UDL, DI, and RTI/MTSS to improve learning outcomes for all students during math instruction. The intended audience for this micro-credential is all Elementary Teachers and the difficulty is low. This micro-credential is grounded in research from the following sources: What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Practice Guide: Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics; and Response to Intervention (RtI) for Elementary and Middle Schools.


  • Elementary Math: Foundations of Geometry
  • Fee: $74.20
    Credit Hours: 0.20
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 10

    In this micro-credential, you will learn about the fundamentals of geometry and measurement. You will be presented with explanations on the concepts of geometry that are taught throughout elementary school, and you will learn research-based strategies for teaching your students about these concepts. You will also learn about the van Hiele levels of development in geometry. The intended audience for this micro-credential is all Elementary Math Teachers and the difficulty is medium. This micro-credential is grounded in research from the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Practice Guide: Teaching Math to Young Children.


  • Elementary Math: Foundations of Visual Representations and Manipulatives
  • Fee: $74.20
    Credit Hours: 0.20
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 10

    This micro-credential examines what constitutes VRM and appropriate uses of VRM in elementary mathematics. You will also learn the process for how to create lesson activities that effectively incorporate VRM into instruction. Finally, you will explore one of the most powerful virtual manipulatives, GeoGebra. The intended audience for this micro-credential is all Elementary Math Teachers and the difficulty is medium. This micro-credential is grounded in research from the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Practice Guides: Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning; and Improving Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 Through 8.


  • Elementary Math: Integrating Algebraic Thinking
  • Fee: $74.20
    Credit Hours: 0.20
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 10

    This micro-credential examines research-based recommendations for integrating algebraic thinking into elementary math and provides educators with an introduction to key algebraic concepts. You will learn strategies for shaping your current instructional practices to allow for the integration of algebraic terminology, discussions, and thinking that will lead to greater levels of success in formal algebraic understanding in the upper grades. The intended audience for this micro-credential is all Elementary Math Teachers and the difficulty is medium. This micro-credential is grounded in research from the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Practice Guides: Teaching Strategies for Improving Algebra Knowledge in Middle and High School Students; and Improving Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 Through 8.


  • Elementary Math: Making Sense of Fractions
  • Fee: $74.20
    Credit Hours: 0.20
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 10

    This micro-credential is designed to help you learn about tools and strategies to address common challenges with teaching fractions among a diverse set of learners. You will examine how to integrate fractions at multiple grade levels, common methods for integrating manipulatives, and how to create appropriate questions related to the use of fractions in the real world. The intended audience for this micro-credential is all Elementary Math Teachers and the difficulty is medium. This micro-credential is grounded in research from the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Practice Guide: Improving Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 through 8.


  • Elementary Math: Making Sense of Word Problems
  • Fee: $74.20
    Credit Hours: 0.20
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 10

    This micro-credential is designed to help you learn about tools and strategies to address common challenges with teaching word problems among a diverse set of learners. You will examine categories and subcategories of word problems based on the structures provided by Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI). The intended audience for this micro-credential is all Elementary Math Teachers and the difficulty is medium. This micro-credential is grounded in research from the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Practice Guide: Improving Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 through 8.


  • Elementary Math: Number Operations
  • Fee: $74.20
    Credit Hours: 0.20
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 10

    This micro-credential provides you with tools and strategies to develop and strengthen your students' abilities to apply number operations. You will examine multiple methods students may use when adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing, and recommended pedagogy to support them as they learn and put meaning to the operations. The intended audience for this micro-credential is all Elementary Math Teachers and the difficulty is medium. This micro-credential is grounded in research from the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Practice Guide: Improving Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 through 8.


  • Elementary Math: Number Relationships
  • Fee: $74.20
    Credit Hours: 0.20
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 10

    This micro-credential will allow you to introduce the concept that numbers can be represented in different ways. You will learn about the relationship between fractions and decimals by using the number line as a tool to compare fraction and decimal values. You will also review research on formative assessment to learn how you can use a variety of methods to check student understanding and increase student achievement. The intended audience for this micro-credential is all Elementary Math Teachers and the difficulty is low. This micro-credential is grounded in research from the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Practice Guide: Teaching Math to Young Children and Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning and the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE).


  • Elementary Math: Number Sense
  • Fee: $74.20
    Credit Hours: 0.20
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 10

    This micro-credential is designed to demonstrate the importance of number sense as a foundation upon which future math is built. You will learn about the developmental progression of number sense, strategies for cultivating number sense in your students, and recommendations for expanding instruction time for meeting the needs of your math students. The intended audience for this micro-credential is all Elementary Math Teachers and the difficulty is medium. This micro-credential is grounded in research from the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Practice Guide: Teaching Math to Young Children and Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning.


  • Elementary Math: Progression Towards Proportional Reasoning
  • Fee: $74.20
    Credit Hours: 0.20
    Professional Dev. Contact Hours: 10

    This micro-credential will allow you to explore how the progression of elementary mathematics concepts leads to the introduction of proportional reasoning. You will also learn how to solve ratio and proportion problems and how to select appropriate strategies when teaching ratio and proportion problems. The intended audience for this micro-credential is all Upper Elementary and Middle Grades Math Teachers, and the difficulty is high. This micro-credential is grounded in research from the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Practice Guide: Improving Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 through 8.


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