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Welcome to the Osher Lifelong Learning Instituteat Sierra College Sierra College is closed on Fridays through August 9th Summer2024 Term Dates: (M) June10 (Th) July 25 Fall 2024 Registration OpensWednesday, August 7th at 10:00 AM! On August 7th, OLLI Membership 2024-2025 will be available for purchaseand Fall Catalogs will be arriving to mailboxes! > Literature and Writing

Rewrite That Book! The Next Draft   

As a freelance editor, I'm frequently asked, "I have a draft done. Now what?" The answer is, "Rewrite." But rewriting an entire book can be overwhelming. This workshop will help you enjoy the process and give you the tools you need to get it done. Topics include: character growth, upping the stakes, self-editing, stronger beginnings and endings, and infusing theme into your story. In-class writing exercises and critiquing will set you up for success! This hands-on workshop is designed for novelists and memoirists with a complete draft of their manuscript.

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