Welcome to the Osher Lifelong Learning Instituteat Sierra College Spring 2025 Registration is Open! Spring 2025 Term Dates: (M) February 3 - (F) May 16 > Field Trips

Walk Through the Historic Transcontinental Railroad Tunnels at Donner Summit    NEW!

Meet your tour guide Terry McAteer to witness the engineering marvel of the 19th Century— the hand-hewn 1868 Transcontinental Railroad tunnels at Donner Summit. These historic tunnels are a living testament to the Chinese workmen who blasted through this solid granite. We will also see the spectacular Chinese Wall along with discussing this important thoroughfare which saw Native Americans, 49ers, Lincoln Highway auto traffic and, eventually, Highway 40.

• The one-mile (roundtrip) hike is flat.
• Bring water.
• Bring a headlamp or good flashlight as the tunnels are dark.
• Wear good hiking or tennis shoes.

Terry will meet the students taking the bus and driving themselves at 1:00 pm at the dirt parking lot directly across the street from Donner Ski Ranch on Donner Pass Road. More information will follow as we get closer to the field trip date. 
Bus transporation - $45 (Limited to 35 members) We will provide roundtrip transportation on a Sierra College bus from the Rocklin Campus.
Drive Yourself - $25 (Limited to 35 members)

Field Trip Cancellations and Refund Policy
If we have to cancel a field trip you will receive a full refund. If you cancel a field trip, it must be canceled at least 2 weeks prior to receive a refund.
Overnight field trips require a 30-day cancellation notice. 


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