Welcome to the Osher Lifelong Learning Instituteat Sierra College Fall 2024 Registration is Now Open! Fall 2024 Term Dates: (M) August 26 (F) December 6 > OLLI Extras > Author Spotlight Lunch Pail Series

Author Spotlight Lunch Pail Series: Pat Miller - Memoir    NEW!

November 15 – Pat Miller – Memoir – Bamboo Secrets: One Woman’s Quest Through the Shadows of Japan

Patricia Dove Miller is a third-generation Californian, born and raised in the Berkeley hills. She has lived in the mountains outside of Cali, Colombia, in a tiny rice-farming village in North Thailand, and also at the edge of the northeastern hills in Kyoto, Japan. She attended Stanford University, and much later, at the age of sixty-six, completed her MFA in creative writing at Vermont College of Fine Arts. Pat lives in Grass Valley, where she is writing her second book and teaching creative writing.

Her memoir, Bamboo Secrets, focuses on the beauty and the difficulties she encountered while living in the cultural center of Kyoto, Japan.
  • Author Spotlight Lunch Pail Series: Pat Miller - Memoir (November) 
  • Interviewer/Moderator: Joan Griffin
    Dates: 11/15/2024 (only)
    Days: F
    Times: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    Sessions: 1
    Fee: $5.00 (SC Food Pantry Donation)
    Location: Online via Zoom 
    Recording: *This class is being recorded. *Recordings will expire after 30 days.
    Seats Available: 260 | Max Enroll: 299
    SKU: FalALIT081 
     Show Description
    *Proceeds will be donated to the Sierra College Food Pantry. Membership Required.
    *Class Dates: 11/15 (only). *Class now meets on 11/15 (not 10/18).

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