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Welcome to the Osher Lifelong Learning Instituteat Sierra College Spring 2025 Registration is Open! Spring 2025 Term Dates: (M) February 3 - (F) May 16 > Online-Zoom Courses

Online-Zoom Courses   

*This class is being recorded.

 *Please wait at least 24 hours after a class has ended before requesting the class recording be emailed to you.

Not Recorded Icon*Not all Online-Zoom classes are recorded. To find out if a class is recorded or not, look under 'Location' in the class listing.

 Screenshot explanation below: 

Recorded vs Not Recorded Zoom Classes

Online-Zoom Class Recordings
• Zoom class recordings will automatically be emailed to registered students, in each course, once available.
• Each class recording will expire after 30 days.

If you do not see the "Add to Cart" button, there are three possible reasons. 1) Registration may not be open 2) You have not added a Membership to your cart or renewed your membership 3) You are not logged in: Click to Sign-In


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