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Advanced Narcotic Investigation   

This course is designed to keep you on the leading edge of narcotic investigations by further developing the specialized and technical skills you need to combat an increasing and ever changing illicit drug trade.

The topics presented in the basic program will be updated and expanded during this class. You will receive a thorough understanding of drug trends, legal vehicle stops and searches, informants, probable cause and search warrants.

This course will provide you with practical and authoritative information which will increase the arrest and prosecution rates of drug distributors and sellers.

Topics Include

  • Marijuana grow house
  • Cocaine
  • K-2, Spice and Molly
  • Pen registers and wire intercepts
  • Ethics
  • Stress
  • Methamphetamine investigations
  • Search warrants - writing and preparation
  • Surveillance


Narcotics investigators, supervisors, military investigative personnel and those involved in narcotic investigations

This class is restricted to sworn law enforcement officers and those personnel assigned directly to law enforcement agencies.

Course Length

40 hours

Related Courses


You should have successfully completed a basic narcotics course, or its equivalent, or have worked in the area of drug enforcement a minimum of two years.


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