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Hostage Crisis Negotiations - Level I   


The first in a series of three progressive courses, IPTM’s Hostage Crisis Negotiations – Level I addresses the fundamental skills of a successful negotiator. We will prepare you to work as part of an agency negotiation team by teaching you the skills required to respond to a hostage incident or a person in crisis and de-escalate the situation.

You will learn techniques for engagement, de-escalation, team roles and responsibilities, managing intelligence, equipment use and set-up, as well as strategies to overcome resistance and emotional arousal.

Challenging practical exercises are an integral part of the course and provide you with an opportunity to practice and improve your negotiation skills.

Topics Include

  • Introduction to negotiation
  • Negotiation philosophy
  • Negotiation team responsibilities
  • Negotiation techniques
  • Behavioral profiles
  • Initial response and team set-up (Negotiation Operations Center)
  • Personnel and equipment resources
  • Information gathering and maintenance
  • Stress management
  • Use of force issues
  • Practical training exercises: individual, pair and team


You must be a sworn member of law enforcement or corrections, hostage negotiator, patrol officer, military investigative personnel, non-law enforcement member of a crisis negotiation team, mental health professional or clergy member supporting law enforcement activities. Requests for exceptions must be approved by IPTM.

This course is restricted to sworn and non-sworn law enforcement personnel.

Course Length

40 hours


For Florida Officers, this course will not qualify for Salary Incentive Credit for FDLE course “Hostage Negotiation."

This course meets the Florida Department of Law Enforcement/CJSTC standards and national standards.

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What Our Students Are Saying

  • “The lecture helped tremendously, but the exercises were extremely beneficial to the whole learning experience. Both instructors were absolutely fantastic!” – Ofc. P.C.
  • “Both instructors have a wealth of knowledge, open shared and conveyed throughout course. The practical exercises were awesome and allowed me to learn a lot about myself.” – Det. J.G.
  • “Scenarios were great.” – Lt. W.M.
  • “The in depth scenarios were very helpful.” – Ofc. A.S.
  • “Great course. Thanks!” – Sgt. Leon Co.
  • “Jim is an extremely good instructor. He knows the material and I enjoyed his teaching very much.” – Anon.
  • “Scenarios were awesome and built confidence. Encouraging and eye opening. Would love to take Level II.” – Cpl. M.B.
  • “Great instructors. High energy.” – Ofc. N.G.





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