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Event Data Recorder Use in Traffic Crash Reconstruction - Level I (Online)   

This is an independent study, self-paced course.

This online course will teach you how to analyze any event data recorder (EDR) data you encounter, regardless of the manufacturer. You will also learn how to analyze the EDR data which has been collected with any imaging tools, including propriety manufacturer tools, as well as from future vehicles not yet released.

We will teach you how to use EDR data with roadway evidence calculations to yield a complete reconstruction considering all available evidence. Simple checklists and guides will be provided to improve your consistency and accuracy. Supplied templates will take some of the work out of more complex analysis.

You will be given many EDR reports from real world crashes and will work in teams to analyze the EDR data and reconcile it to the scene evidence you are given. Comprehensive solutions to these problems will be distributed for future reference.

During the course, we will teach you how to

  • Analyze any set of EDR data you encounter, regardless of manufacturer
  • Determine if the event recorded is from your crash
  • Identify circumstances where EDR data is incomplete or has nothing to do with your crash
  • Understand Delta-V
  • Use EDR Delta-V along with other scene evidence to get closing speed and speed at impact
  • Use Delta V from the vehicle with the recorder to determine the Delta V of the other vehicle
  • Recognize vehicle operational conditions that would cause EDR speed data to not accurately reflect true vehicle speed
  • Determine the effect that equipment modifications have on EDR speed data
  • Use pre-crash data to identify when a vehicle lost control in order to select the peak speed before the vehicle lost control
  • Calculate the appropriate ranges for Speed at Impact for different EDR’s
  • Use time-distance analysis to estimate the point of first perception
  • Utilize EDR data to gain previously unavailable insight into driver behavior and approach speed
  • Use OEM specific Excel© templates to analyze EDR data
  • Support Frye and Daubert hearings with references to copyrighted research and non-copyrighted items
  • Show analytical tools techniques for heavy truck data


Law enforcement and private traffic crash investigators, insurance fraud special investigators and claims adjusters, engineers, attorneys, safety officers, military investigative personnel, collision animation and simulation graphics users

Course Length

40 hours


You must have successfully completed IPTM’s Advanced Traffic Crash Investigation course or its equivalent and have an understanding of traditional scene evidence traffic crash reconstruction such as slide to stop formulas, momentum analysis, and critical speed yaw analysis.

ACTAR Information

IPTM's Event Data Recorder Use in Traffic Crash Reconstruction - Level I (Online) course is eligible for 40 ACTAR CEUs.


This class does not include technician training to operate the Bosch© Crash Data Retrieval Tool. Training to become a CDR Technician is available online in IPTM’s Bosch© CDR Tool Technician Training by IPTM course. Experience with the Bosch© CDR tool is not necessary to register for or complete this class.

Online Details

Online environment: This is an independent study, self-paced course. Although there are no specific times that you must be online, you will be required to complete assignments by the deadlines posted within the course. You should plan to dedicate approximately 40 hours to the course activities. You must be committed to the course and invest the time necessary for successful completion.

Instructors are available to answer your questions during each module via the help forum. The course must be completed within 30 days upon registration. Once the 30-day period has ended, you may no longer have access and be required to re-enroll. Additional fees may apply.

Course Requirements:

  • Dependable broadband internet connection
  • Windows or Mac computer with Microsoft Excel to work templates provided in class
  • Calculator with cosine, tangent, and square root functions
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)

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This course is not eligible for certificate discounts


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