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Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) School   

What is a Drug Recognition Expert?

A Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) is an officer who has received specialized training and has been certified by the International Association of Chief's of Police to evaluate suspects and determine:

  • If the subject is impaired
  • What drug category(s) is/are causing the impairment
  • If a medical condition is causing the impairment

There are more than 8,000 officers certified world wide…approximately 1.1% of all certified law enforcement officers.

DRE school is extremely demanding. To receive certification as a DRE, two phases of training must be completed. The following summarizes each phase:

Academic Training

This phase is typically conducted over two weeks (80 hours). It includes courses in physiology, vital signs, standardized field sobriety testing (SFST), as well as extensive material on each of the seven categories of the drugs of abuse. The training includes two written examinations, an SFST proficiency examination and five written quizzes. Students must achieve a minimum of 80% on the two examinations, and must demonstrate proficiency in administering the SFST in order to progress to the certification phase. The academic training is conducted utilizing creative, participant-centered teaching techniques.

Certification Phase

After successfully completing the academic portion, the students return to their division of assignment. It is the student's responsibility to complete the certification requirements within six months following the DRE school. These requirements include: conducting a minimum of 12 drug influence evaluations while under the supervision of a DRE instructor; passing a comprehensive final knowledge examination, and obtaining the written endorsement of two certified DRE instructors that supervised their training evaluations.

How does a law enforcement officer in Florida become a DRE?

  • The officer must request an application from the State Coordinator, Tim Cornelius.
  • The officer must have completed the 24-hour NHTSA DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Training (SFST) course and demonstrate proficiency in all tasks. The officer should have experience in detecting and arresting DUI's to include testimony in court.
  • The officer must have completed the 16-hour NHTSA Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) course.
  • The officer will be required to obtain a written endorsement from an Assistant State Attorney in the officer's circuit.
  • The officer must also be recommended by his/her Chief or Sheriff and the recommendation of another DRE is highly recommended.
  • Applicants can also receive information from one of the Regional DRE Coordinators.

This course is by application only. No registrations are accepted. Lodging at the pre-selected hotel will be covered.

For more information, please visit:

The DRE Program is funded for Florida officers by the Florida Department of Transportation.


Florida Students: FDOT grant-funded seats are available to Florida sworn law enforcement personnel (federal and military law enforcement personnel in Florida do not qualify).

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This course is not eligible for certificate discounts.

Regional Coordinators

Florida DRE Coordinator

Tim Cornelius
Institute of Police Technology and Management

Region I

Detective John Cullen 
Jacksonville Sheriffs Office  

Region II  

Lieutenant Allan Kolak
Cape Coral Police Department  

Region III  

Officer Kevin Millan
Miami Beach Police Department  

Region IV - FHP and FWC  

Lieutenant Channing Taylor
Florida Highway Patrol  

This course is not eligible for certificate discounts.


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