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Welcome to the Osher Lifelong Learning Instituteat Sierra College Sierra College is closed on Fridays through August 9th Summer2024 Term Dates: (M) June10 (Th) July 25 Fall 2024 Registration OpensWednesday, August 7th at 10:00 AM! On August 7th, OLLI Membership 2024-2025 will be available for purchaseand Fall Catalogs will be arriving to mailboxes! > ABOUT OLLI > Registration Information

Registration Information   


Membership in OLLI is required to participate.

OLLI at Sierra College Membership is only $10 to renew or join for the Summer 2024 Term. OLLI Membership 2023-2024 is available for purchase. This membership year covers our Fall 2023, Spring 2024, and Summer 2024 Terms.

     • NOT a current member or need to renew? Click here

Can't remember if your membership is paid for this year? Sign in with your username and password, click Account (located in the dark gray bar above), click My Membership, and look at the expiration date for your membership. 


On the HOME page you can select courses by category under appropriate term (semester), including On-Ground courses, and don't forget to look under OLLI Extras for our OLLI Field Trips, SIGs (Special Interest Groups), Non-Credit Tuition free - OLLI classes and required registration information, Club OLLI Newsletters, Class Schedule Calendars and more! 

You can also use the SEARCH function (located in the dark gray bar above) to find specific instructors, days, or topics of interest. 

→ You must be signed in and either have a current Membership, or have one in your shopping cart, before you can see the Add to Cart button.


Struggle No More! You can use our digital registration form – NOW AVAILABLE FOR SUMMER 2024! Click the link to download, complete, and save, our Summer 2024 Club OLLI Class Registration Form. Once finished, use one of the submission options (mentioned on form) to send your completed form back to us for processing (instead of doing it yourself online). Please use one form per person. OLLI Tuition-free Courses are not accepted on this form. Please visit our Tuition-free OLLI page under OLLI Extras or Click Here! 


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