Learning Outcomes Student Profiles Program Schedule Instructor Bio Success Stories Register Now
Program Overview |
This is a business & Marketing teacher education course that provides instructional strategies for teaching business, marketing, and digital technology classes in secondary education. This course provides students with the pedagogy necessary to teach traditional and technical courses required by the Utah State Board of Education.
Note: UVU does not award you with a teaching certificate. Teaching certificates are awarded by the State of Utah. UVU provides you with the coursework required by the state.
Learning Outcomes |
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
- Articulate the importance of professional standards, reflecting on the business education discipline, and embracing teaching as a lifelong learning commitment.
- Create, analyze, revise, and implement curricula to prepare students for success in the business field and life.
- Facilitate the learning of dynamic subject matter in a diverse and emerging learning environment.
- Assess student progress to enhance the learning environment to optimize student success.
- Demonstrate positive and effective techniques for managing the classroom environment.
- Exhibit an understanding of communication as a dynamic system of people, processes, cultures, media, and fluid boundaries in developing strategies.
- Maintain a solid foundation in business content, general education, and professional education.
- Upon successful completion of your coursework at Utah Valley University you should have acquired confidence and proficiency in the following areas:
- Critical Thinking
- Digital Literacy
- Ethical Reasoning
- Inclusion
- Information Literacy
- Quantitative Literacy
- Scientific Literacy
- Learn more about UVU’s Essential Learning Outcomes
Student Profiles |
This program prepares future teachers to teach knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for students to have successful business, marketing, and technology careers. You will be expected to engage in class discussions, complete projects and papers as required, observe classrooms, micro-teach, and succeed as a student in this online course.
Program Schedule |
You may work ahead on the modules and turn in the majority of assignments early if you wish. Some assignments, however, cannot be done early as you will be relying on your peers to complete the assignment.
Session 1 :: Getting Started & Classroom Management |
Establish a classroom environment based on rapport and respect
Build a culture of learning
Develop and implement classroom procedures
Session 2 :: Academic Languages (Education Department Requirement) |
Identify academic language in EdTPA
Describe key language functions
Explain vocabulary and language demands related to the language function and learning tasks
Create a learning segment that identifies the learning supports they will provide to help learners understand and use the language they need to learn within the discipline
Session 3 :: Advisory Boards & Industry Partnerships |
- Examine their classroom expectations and their role as a teacher in student learning outcomes.
- Evaluate their current and future use of industry partners in the classroom
- Integrate workplace skills, both hard and soft skills into BFM curriculum planning
- Understand advisory boards and their ability to inform the BFM curriculum
- Determine specific businesses, and organizations to utilize from their community in support of their BFM program
Session 4 :: CTSOs and the BFM Classroom
- Communicate the importance of integrating CTSO's within the Utah BFM curriculum.
- Determine soft skills that can be assessed through using DECA and FBLA competitive projects and papers
- Describe the use of CTSOS to connect students to industry through state leadership competitions and curriculum integration
- Understand how LEA CTE funding is affected by teachers participating in a CTSO
- Determine specific CTSO projects and papers that can be integrated into their current or future classroom curriculum
Session 5 :: Understanding BFM Pathways
Create a lesson plan that introduces students to the requirements to be a BFM pathway completer
Select a pathway and plan a course progression for students to finish as pathway completers by the end of high school.
Identify credentials of value that can be added to your pathway programs
Align your courses and pathways with local U-tech and USHE partners for your LEA (districts or schools).
Research local career needs to be based on your local Workforce services annual reports to determine high-demand, high-wage careers, and pathways needed in your community.
Session 6 :: The Marketing Pathway
Determine formative and summative assessments for these marketing principles
Gather case studies and real-world examples of the 4P's of Marketing, Marketing Segmentation, Product Life cycles, Promotion, and the Sales Process
Understand the importance of student data privacy as mandated by the USBE and the Utah state legislature
Session 7 :: The Accounting & Finance Pathway
Create and collect effective strategies to teach essential accounting and finance principles
Determine formative and summative assessments for these finance principles
Gather case studies and real-world examples to help students to apply essential financial principles
Session 8 :: The Business Administration Pathway
Session 9 :: The Business Information Management Pathway
Determine formative and summative assessments for these Business Information Management pathway principles
Evaluate the use of simulation programs for student learning
Gather case studies and real-world examples to help students to apply essential Business Information Management pathway principles
Session 10 :: The Hospitality & Tourism Pathway
Create and collect effective strategies to teach essential Hospitality & Tourism pathway principles
Determine formative and summative assessments for these Hospitality & Tourism pathway principles
Gather case studies and real-world examples to help students to apply essential Hospitality & Tourism pathway principles
Explore the Utah Hospitality & Tourism grant & online curriculum
Session 11 :: Using the Canvas LMS
Create an Online course in Canvas learning management system.
Create modules, pages, discussions, and assignments in the Canvas LMS
Session 12 :: Recruiting Students, Digital literacy, Utah POG
Understanding Utah's Portrait of a Graduate requirements
Analyze the strands and standards for the DBA and BOS courses used for the Digital literacy requirement.
Create an action plan for recruiting students to elective CTE courses
Session 13 :: Continuing Professional Development & Growth Mindset
Session 14 :: BFM Teaching Philosophy & Assessments
Determine evidence of learning
Develop their own philosophy for grading in their classroom
Develops formative and summative assessments linked to the achievement standards
Use multiple forms of assessment to obtain accurate measures of student progress including formal, informal, and authentic measures
Instructor Bio |
Rachael Routt UVU Adjunct Instructor
Racheal Routt has been in education for over 17 years. After leaving the private sector where she spent time in sales, marketing, HR, and management. She taught in Secondary education, received her MBA while teaching for the Alpine School district, and now teaches with UVU's Business Education and the Information Systems and Technology Department. She is a mother of 4 grown children and enjoys being an "empty nester" with her husband of 27 years.