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Welcome to Lifelong Learning at Wofford Winter term runs Jan 6-31.Many Special Events are open for registration. Spring Term will be posted online January 31. Regsitration for Spring begins February 11 at 9 a.m. online. Registration Help Guide Winter 2025Term Flyer > News and Notes > FAQs


Why is lifelong learning important? As humans, we are DNA-hard-wired-programmed to learn and to connect. Life transitions are challenging regardless of where you are in your lifecycle. Finding, creating, discovering, or re-discovering your life purpose is essential but not always easy. The Lifelong Learning program: educates, informs, eases life transitions, supports connection & social interaction, provides discovery, wonder, & mental stimulation, and promotes exposure to new ideas as well as the understanding and acceptance of others holding lifelong different viewpoints than our own.

How can I register for classes? The primary way to register is through our website Lifelong Learning at Wofford. On our website, you can create a profile, add an annual membership, and register for the class(es).  If you choose not to register online, you can complete this form and mail it to 429 N. Church Street, Spartanburg, SC 29303 Attn: Lifelong Learning with a check for payment. We will enter the registration on the first day of registration after the online site has been open for 2 hours. The third option is to register in person at our office beginning on the first day of registration until the first day of classes. In the office, we can show you how to register online and make a payment with a credit card or we can accept check payments along with the attached form. Our office is located at 233. N. Church Street at Central United Methodist Church in the Education Building.

Who belongs to LLL at Wofford? Our members come from diverse educational backgrounds, geographies, and professions. We welcome adults of all ages who have a desire to learn, engage, build new friendships and take an active role in discovering more about the world around us. We are a member-based, member-driven program. The program embraces the talents and skills of its membership to enhance, diversify and grow the program through member involvement and leadership. For more information about membership check out our Member Handbook

How do we price our courses? Courses are priced at $3.50 per classroom hour, with a minimum charge of $10 for a class. Classes costing more than $3.50 an hour most likely include materials, studio, and/or instructor fees to help cover the cost of the class.

I do not have email, can I still register and participate? If you do not have an email you can register in person at the office so that you can access a paper copy of the courses being offered and pay with a check or cash. Regarding emails, this is the primary way we communicate with our members through a weekly email newsletter and with updates in case classes get rescheduled or canceled. Using email is a time and money saver for our small staff and budget. It is the responsibility of the member to check with the office for a paper copy of the eblast and updates. The member should also alert their instructor that they do not have email. It is recommended for members without email to connect with a classmate or other LLL so they can stay current on important LLL information. 

Why should I volunteer? Members who volunteer with Lifelong Learning find new friendships, skills, and a way to make an impact on the growth and health of the organization. Members form communities of interest to support the program's health and growth. Members are involved with Curriculum planning, Financial oversight of fee and membership structure, Outreach to connect with people across all races, religions, neighborhoods, and cultures, and planning social events, outings, and opportunities throughout our year. Volunteers also organize special events and lunch and learn lectures and create and support the various Clubs. The unifying theme is always to have fun.

Where are lifelong learning classes held? The majority of our classes are held at Central United Methodist Church (CUMC) Education Building, located at 233 N. Church Street, Spartanburg. For the few classes held elsewhere, we provide location information in the catalog, online, and in email registration receipts and reminders. The primary reason classes are held at CUMC is that parking at Wofford is not easily accessible to the number of students we are serving with the program. At CUMC students have easy access to their classrooms, generous parking, and a central location to congregate, which is an important component of the Lifelong Learning program. Many of our social events are held on Wofford's Campus so we can enjoy the campus from time to time, usually when students are on term breaks. 

Can I get a refund for classes or membership? We provide refunds only through the first week of class and will retain a $5 per item fee to cover processing costs on any drops. If you would like to cancel a class or your membership before class starts, you may call the office at 864-274-2917 and we can either switch you to a new class (no charge) or refund your class/membership fee (with a $5 processing fee). After the first week, we no longer provide refunds. For trips or tours, any cancellations made within one week before the trip or tour will not be refunded.

Why Membership Fees? We are a member-based, member-driven program. Membership fees are critical to our success and sustainability. Membership fees keep our class fees low and provide support for instructors, classroom spaces, program management and presentation tools that enable us to offer high-quality programming.

Where is your office located? The Lifelong Learning office is located in the Education Building at Central United Methodist Church at 233 N. Church Street, Spartanburg, SC 29306. 

Are scholarships available? Yes. Once you pay for your membership, you may apply for a scholarship to cover up to two courses a term. To apply, please email


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