- Lunch and Learn Series : Scott Neely, Ending Child Poverty in Spartanburg
Ending Child Poverty in Spartanburg, Scott Neely, minister of Unitarian Universalist Church of Spartanburg will lead a discussion on child poverty in Spartanburg County and what we can do about it. The Faith Initiative To End Child Poverty ( www.faithinitiativespartanburg.org) is a coalition of congregations working to end child poverty in Spartanburg, SC by connecting the gifts of the faith community with larger community efforts. Come for a dialogue on data, stories, and clear steps we can take to make our home a place of thriving for every one of us.
A box lunch will be provided.
- Lunch and Learn Series : Paige Stephenson, United is the Way
United is the Way, CEO and President of United Way of the Piedmont Paige Stephenson will share how United Way became a convener, collaborative partner, capacity-builder and community advocate. These roles embody how United Way of the Piedmont affects community change beyond its original role as funder. Learn how our belief that everyone deserves an opportunity to thrive guides our work in Economic Mobility, Education, and Health.
A box lunch will be provided.
- Lunch and Learn Series : Edwin C. Haskell, III: Need-to-Know Legal Stuff for Those Getting Old(er)
"Need-to-Know" Legal Stuff for Those Getting Old(er) presented by local attorney Edwin Haskell will address legal issues that affect those of us getting older. He will discuss Healthcare Powers of Attorney, Durable Powers of Attorney, estate planning issues, how to avoid probate, and Medicaid eligibility issues.
A box lunch will be provided.
- Lunch and Learn Series : Andy Flynt, NASA Explores: Four Explorer Missions in Our Solar System
NASA Explores: Four Explorer Missions in Our Solar System - Join Planetarium Director Andy Flynt as he shares a brief history of three satellites on display at the Headquarters Library this month. Mariner 9 was sent to Mars in 1971 to send back the first photos of the Red Planet. Stardust was launched in 1999 and sent to Comets Wild-2 and Tempel 1, returning dust samples from Wild-2 back to Earth in 2006. Dawn was launched in 2007 and orbited protoplanet Vest and the dwarf planet Ceres, sending back information on both, including how the solar system was formed. After the presentation, he will share the latest update on the Planetarium construction.
A box lunch will be provided.
- Lunch and Learn Series : Ashley Garrett, Connecting in the Golden Years: Combating Loneliness and Embracing Community
Join Dr. Ashley Garrett, PhD, LPCS, RPTS for Connecting in the Golden Years: Combating Loneliness and Embracing Community, an inspiring talk on addressing the growing issue of loneliness in today’s world. Dr. Garrett will share research-backed insights and practical strategies to help you build meaningful connections, enhance emotional well-being, and protect the joy that enriches life. Learn how to overcome isolation, nurture relationships, and create a fulfilling, connected life in your golden years. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable tools for thriving in a supportive and joyful community.
A box lunch will be provided.
- Lunch and Learn Series : Stephen Long, Love Where You Live!
Love Where you Live! You've seen the bumper stickers, maybe even the shirts and definitely the mural downtown. What and who was behind that campaign and where did it come from? Stephen Long will speak on his experience with art and culture and its impact on economic development as well as creating a brand designed to encourage pride in Spartanburg.
A box lunch will be provided.
- Lunch and Learn Series : Nayef Samhat, Wofford College in New World of Collegiate Athletics
Join Wofford College's President, Nayef Samhat, as he discusses the major changes college athletics has undergone in the last several years. What is the nature of those changes and how does an institution like Wofford College fit in this new environment? What does the future hold?
A box lunch will be provided.
- Lunch and Learn Series : Jerry Rice, Benjamin E. Mays Family Resource Center - Helping our Rural Community
Benjamin E Mays Family Center's Director Jerry Rice will share the vision and mission of the Center where all are engaged and empowered to lead self-sufficient lives, and where all children are healthy and ready to learn. Their mission is to provide resources and learning for Pacolet and surrounding communities so that all may reach their full potential in education, vocation, economic mobility, and health. He will share the four areas of focus that help them accomplish their mission: economic mobility, education, health & wellness, and family & parenting supports.
A box lunch will be provided.