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> Au Pairs

Au Pairs   

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Do you offer credits for Au Pairs?

Upon successful completion of a course, Workforce and Community Programs offers a Certificate of Completion with the number of hours and dates of attendance for your course. These are non-credit classes.

What class can I take?

There are many options, depending on your interests and preferred instructional method. We have in-person and online classes in ESL , Arts , Music , Business , Computers and more.

I have to complete my course in the next month. What are my options?

We offer classes of varying lengths. If you need to complete a large number of hours in a short time, an online self-paced class may be the best option. Please check with your Au Pair agency to confirm they allow hours and credits from online learning.


I need a Certificate after I complete my course. How do I get one?

After completing your in-person or online course, please email us at and we will issue you a Certificate of Completion. We can email you a PDF version or mail you the Certificate, depending on your needs.

I work during the day. What is my best option for taking classes?

Most of our WCP in-person classes are between 5:30-9PM. Online classes are done at your own time, so both of these may be good options for you.

What if I am interested in taking credit classes?

To take credit classes at ACC, you must be an enrolled student. Please contact ACC Admissions for more information.

Au Pair Favorites

Denim Jeans

ESL Classes

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Denim Jeans

Arts & Humanities Classes

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