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Welcome to OLLI@Coastal > Groups and Clubs

OLLI Current Events Club   

We will meet weekly to discuss current events, topical subjects and political & social issues of interest to the Group. We will invite CCU (and other universities) professors as well as Professionals and Experts to share with us their expertise and views on a variety of subjects. We will also call on the expertise of our own Group members to discuss topics in their are of expertise.


  • OLLI Current Events Club
  • Instructor/Leader: Samih Baalbaki
    Price: $0.00
    Dates: 2/21/2024 - 7/31/2024
    Day(s): W | Time: 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
    Number of Sessions: 23
    Building: CSCC (Coastal Science Center)
    Room: 300
    Number of Seats Available: 2
     Show Description

    The Current Events Club has concluded for the 2023 - 2024 season.

    No class 3/6/2024

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