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Why Socialists Reject Capitalism   

Capitalism has evolved from family-owned businesses to industrial capitalism to today’s finance capitalism which makes money without creating anything useful. Karl Marx considered capitalism to be an improvement over feudalism but believed it lost moral standing after a new class of oligarchs started oppressing workers. Today a tiny clique of billionaires owns most of the world's wealth. Socialists believe offices and factories should be run democratically and workers should share the profits. Socialists complain that capitalist oligarchs have literally bought our government and their lobbyists now write our laws. They claim capitalism robs the poorer nations of the world, forcing them into debt, exploiting them for cheap labor while capturing their natural resources.

Diverse opinions and polite debate are welcome.



  • Why Socialists Reject Capitalism
  • Instructor/Leader: Larry Gates
    Price: $25.00
    Dates: 10/31/2024 - 11/21/2024
    Day(s): Th | Time: 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
    Number of Sessions: 4
    Building: HGTC Market Common (Building 200)
    Room: 132
    Number of Seats Available: 21
     Show Description


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