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History of Germany: From Rome to Founding of Federal Republic in 1949   

The course will begin with Rome's conquest of one-third of modern Germany. The rise of Charlemagne saw him form the basis for the Holy Roman Empire (First Reich) in 800 AD. The medieval years witnessed Germany splinter into 300 political entities, abated by the rise of a unified France. Bismarck finally unified Germany (Second Reich) but the country's defeat in World War I and the resultant payment of reparations coupled with the Great Depression of 1929 set conditions for Hitler's election. The murderous Third Reich saw Germany totally defeated in World War II and the stage was set for the founding of today's Federal Republic.
  • History of Germany: From Rome to Founding of Federal Republic in 1949
  • Fee: $50.00
    Dates: 10/2/2024 - 11/20/2024
    Times: 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
    Days: W
    Sessions: 8
    Building: CSCC (Coastal Science Center)
    Room: 203
    Instructor: Donald Ullmann
     Show Description


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